How to Get Cyber Essentials Compliant

Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials Plus is an officially recognised program to assist organisations in identifying and defending against prevalent cyber threats. It serves as a way for organisations to showcase their dedication to cybersecurity.

Imagine this scenario: you are running a successful business that relies on IT systems to store and process sensitive data, such as customer information, financial records, or intellectual property. You have invested in the latest technology and software to keep your operations running smoothly and efficiently. You think you are safe from cyber threats, until one day, you discover that your network has been hacked, your data has been compromised, and your reputation has been damaged. You wonder how this could have happened, and what you could have done to prevent it.

This is not a hypothetical situation, but a reality for many organisations, large and small, across various sectors. According to a report by the UK government, 46% of businesses and 26% of charities experienced a cyber attack or breach in the last 12 months. The average cost of a cyber attack for a small business is £8,460, and for a medium or large business, it is £13,400. These figures do not include the potential loss of customers, contracts, or reputation that could result from a cyber incident.

Fortunately, there is a simple but effective way to protect your organisation from the most common cyber attacks: Cyber Essentials. It is a government-backed scheme that helps you implement basic technical controls to improve your cyber security and demonstrate your commitment to cyber resilience. In this blog, we will explain what Cyber Essentials is, what it means to be compliant, why it is important, how to get it compliant, and the benefits for your organisation. We will also introduce you to Transputec, a leading IT support company in London that can help you achieve Cyber Essentials certification and enhance your cyber security posture.

What are Cyber Essentials?

Cyber Essentials is a set of baseline technical controls produced by the UK government and industry to help organisations, large and small, public and private, improve their defences and publicly demonstrate their commitment to cyber security. It covers five key areas of cyber security:

  • Secure your Internet connection
  • Secure your devices and software
  • Control access to your data and services
  • Protect from viruses and other malware
  • Keep your devices and software up to date

By following these simple steps, you can protect your organisation from the most common cyber threats, such as phishing, malware, ransomware, and hacking. It is suitable for all organisations, of any size, in any sector.

What is a Cyber Essentials compliant?

A Cyber Essentials-compliant organisation has achieved Cyber Essentials certification. “This means that the organisation has implemented these technical controls and has passed a self-assessment or a verification by an external auditor. There are two levels of certification:

Cyber Essentials

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One way to protect your organisation from various cyber threats is to join this scheme, which requires you to complete a self-assessment of your cyber security practices. The scheme shows your customers and partners that you have strong cyber security measures in place and that you take cyber security seriously.

The self-assessment covers the five essential aspects of cyber security: firewall and gateway settings, system configuration, user access, malware prevention, and software updates. By following these basic guidelines, you can avoid the most common cyber attacks. The scheme also has the advantage of being supported and funded by the government, making it suitable for businesses of any size. By getting certified, you can display its logo on your website and promotional materials, giving your customers confidence that their data is secure. This certification is a crucial step in safeguarding your business from cyber-attacks and showing your dedication to cyber security.

Cyber Essentials Plus

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Cyber Essentials Plus is a more advanced version of the Cyber Essentials scheme that includes a practical technical verification of your cyber security practices. This verification is done by a qualified external assessor and gives you extra confidence that your security measures are sufficient and effective.

By implementing this, you can demonstrate to your customers and partners that you care about cyber security and that you have robust safeguards for your data and systems. You can also use it to find and fix any gaps in your defences. It may take more work to achieve than the basic scheme, but it can offer you a lot of reassurance for your organisation.

Why is Cyber Essentials compliant important?

Acquiring this certification protects your organisation against cyberattacks, ensuring the safety of crucial data and instilling trust in your capability to withstand digital threats. This can prove highly beneficial in various aspects:

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It helps you to reduce the risk of cyber attacks and breaches, which could have serious consequences for your organisation, such as financial losses, reputational damage, legal liabilities, or regulatory fines.
It helps you to improve your cyber security awareness and culture, which is essential for creating a cyber-resilient organisation that can respond and recover from cyber incidents effectively.
It helps you to gain a competitive edge and attract new business, as Cyber Essentials certification is recognised and valued by customers, suppliers, partners, and investors. It also shows your compliance with data protection laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
It helps you to access government contracts and opportunities, as this certification is mandatory for some central government contracts that involve handling sensitive and personal information or providing certain technical products and services.

How to get Cyber Essentials compliant?

Getting Cyber Essentials compliant is not difficult or expensive, but it requires some planning and preparation. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Choose the level of certification you want to achieve: Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus. You can start with Cyber Essentials and upgrade to Cyber Essentials Plus later if you wish.
Choose an accredited certification body that can assess and certify your organisation. You can find a list of certification bodies on the Cyber Essentials website.
Review the Cyber Essentials requirements and guidance, and implement the technical controls in your organisation. You can also use the Cyber Essentials readiness toolkit to check your progress and create a personal action plan.
Complete the self-assessment questionnaire or arrange for the technical verification with your chosen certification body.
Submit your application and pay the certification fee. The fee varies depending on the certification body and the level of certification, but it is usually between £300 and £1000.
Receive your certificate and display it proudly on your website and marketing materials. You can also use the their logo to show your certification status.

Benefits of Cyber Essentials

Setting sail with Cyber Essentials not only shields your ship but also brings a myriad of benefits. Boosting customer trust, enhancing your reputation, and gaining a competitive edge are just a few perks that come with the territory. As your ship becomes a beacon of security, clients and partners will be drawn to your trustworthy waters. It has many benefits for your organisation, such as:

  • Improved cyber security: It helps you to protect your organisation from the most common cyber threats and reduce the likelihood and impact of cyber incidents.
  • Increased customer confidence: It helps you to reassure your customers that you are taking cyber security seriously and that you are protecting their data and privacy.
  • Enhanced reputation: It helps you to demonstrate your commitment to cyber security and your compliance with industry standards and regulations.
  • Greater business opportunities: It helps you to gain a competitive advantage and access new markets and contracts, especially in the public sector.
  • Reduced costs: It helps you to save money by avoiding the potential losses and expenses associated with cyber attacks and breaches.

How Transputec can help you with Cyber Essentials

Transputec is a leading IT support company in London that can help you achieve Cyber Essentials certification and improve your cyber security posture. Transputec has over 35 years of experience in providing managed IT services, cyber security, IT outsourcing, cloud services, and infrastructure solutions to leading organisations globally. Transputec is an accredited certification body for Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus, and can help you with the following:

Assess your current cyber security level and identify any gaps or weaknesses that need to be addressed.
Implement the Cyber Essentials technical controls and provide guidance and support throughout the process.
Conduct the self-assessment or the technical verification and certify your organisation for Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus.
Provide ongoing cyber security services, such as 24/7 managed service desk, 24/7 security operations centre, cyber security awareness training, and cyber security audits and reviews.

By partnering with Transputec, you can benefit from their expertise, resources, and technology to achieve Cyber Essentials certification and enhance your cyber security posture. Transputec can help you to protect your organisation from cyber threats, improve your cyber resilience, and grow your business.


Cyber Essentials is a simple but effective scheme that helps you improve your cyber security and demonstrate your commitment to cyber resilience. It is suitable for all organisations, of any size, in any sector, and can help you to reduce the risk of cyber attacks, increase customer confidence, enhance your reputation, and access new business opportunities. It is also a requirement for some government contracts and a sign of compliance with data protection laws.

If you want to get Cyber Essentials compliant, you need to choose the level of certification you want, choose an accredited certification body, implement the technical controls, complete the assessment, and receive your certificate. You can also partner with Transputec, a leading IT support company in London, that can help you achieve Cyber Essentials certification and provide ongoing cyber security services.

Are you ready to get Cyber Essentials compliant and take your cyber security to the next level? Contact Transputec today and discover how they can help you transform your cyber security and your business.


What are Cyber Essentials?

It is a government-backed program designed to assist organisations in identifying and defending against prevalent cyber threats. It provides a framework for implementing basic technical controls to enhance cybersecurity and demonstrate a commitment to cyber resilience.

Why is Cyber Essentials important?

It is crucial for reducing the risk of cyber attacks, improving cybersecurity awareness, gaining a competitive edge, and accessing government contracts. It helps protect against financial losses, reputational damage, and legal liabilities associated with cyber incidents.

How does Cyber Essentials certification protect my organisation?

Certification protects against cyber attacks, instils trust in your cybersecurity capabilities, improves awareness and culture, and opens up business opportunities by showcasing compliance with data protection laws.

How can Transputec help with Cyber Essentials?

Transputec, a leading IT support company, can assess your cybersecurity, implement technical controls, conduct assessments or verifications, and provide ongoing cybersecurity services such as managed service desk, security operations centre, awareness training, and audits.

Why choose Transputec for Cyber Essentials certification?

With over 35 years of experience, Transputec is an accredited certification body for Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus. Partnering with Transputec provides expertise, resources, and technology to achieve certification, enhance cybersecurity, and protect your organisation from cyber threats.


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