Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility
Our purpose

Policy Brief & Purpose

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) company policy refers to our approach to doing sustainable business.   

We have responsibilities toward our environment, society, local community, the economy, the ecology, as well as our customers and colleagues.  

We will provide opportunities for the material and intellectual growth of all our employees, and through our joint efforts, contribute to the advancement of society and humankind.

Basic duties

We shall observe laws, regulations, and corporate rules, making decisions based on the criterion of “What is the right thing to do as a human being? 

Human rights initiatives and labour

Our Policies

Social Responsibility Policies

social responsibility

Measures Relating to Human Rights and Labour 

The Transputec Code of Conduct, which covers our stance on initiatives in human rights, legal compliance, environmental and social contribution, and workplace attitudes, is made available to all employees via the company intranet, and employees are made aware of its contents. Also, human resource undertake independent checks for legal violations such as discrimination, appropriate payment, and working hour management according to labour-related laws and regulations, in-house rules, and labour agreements with unions.  

This code of conduct applies to Transputec, as well as all executive officers and employees. 

Labour-related Code of Conduct 

Transputec shall uphold the human rights of all workers and engage with all workers in a manner that can be considered respectful and indicative of good faith by international societies. This applies to all workers, including temporary employees, migrant workers, students, contracted employees, directly hired employees and all other working capacities. 

Labour standards are as follows: 

Free Selection of Jobs 

There shall be no use of forced or compulsory labour (including debt bondage), labour in detention, involuntary or exploitative prison labour or labour obtained through slavery or human trafficking. This includes transportation, concealment, employment, transferral or acceptance of persons through threats, coercion, force, abduction or trickery to receive labour or services. Entry to and exit from facilities provided by the company shall not be restricted unreasonably, nor shall unreasonable restrictions be placed on workers’ freedom of movement in company facilities. If a worker will leave their country of origin to work for Transputec, a written employment contract describing the conditions of employment must be provided in English before the worker departs as part of the employment process. The employment contract must comply with applicable local laws. It must not be substituted or changed on the worker’s arrival in the country where they will work unless the new contract contains equivalent or better conditions. All work shall be done of workers’ own volition, and workers must be free to leave the workplace or terminate their employment at any time. Employers and agents must not keep any identification or immigration documents belonging to workers, including government-issued identification, passports or work permits (except those that they are legally required to keep), and must not destroy, conceal or confiscate these or prevent workers from using them. Workers shall not be required to pay an employment commission to their employer or agent or any other fees related to their employment. If it is discovered that any workers have paid fees of this nature, the money shall be returned. 

Labour by Minors 

Child labour shall not be used in any stage of production. For the purposes of this code of conduct, “child” refers to persons under the highest of age 15, the age of completion of compulsory education or the minimum working age in the country in question. Reasonable work-study programs are supported as long as they comply with all laws and regulations. Workers under the age of 18 (minors) shall not be permitted to engage in work that may be hazardous to their health or safety, including night work or overtime. Transputec shall ensure that student workers are suitably managed according to applicable laws and regulations through suitable record-keeping about student workers, strict due diligence regarding the partners providing education, and protection of student workers’ rights. Transputec shall provide suitable support and training to all student workers. If no applicable local laws exist, remuneration for student workers, interns and apprentices must be no lower than that paid to other entry-level workers performing the same or similar work. There shall be no use of forced or compulsory labour (including debt bondage), labour in detention, involuntary or exploitative prison labour or labour obtained through slavery or human trafficking. 

Working Hours 

Many studies on business practices have shown a clear link between overworking and a decrease in workers’ productivity, an increase in turnover and an increase in injury and illness. Working hours must not exceed the limits set in local laws. Workers must not work more than 60 hours per week, including overtime, except in emergencies or other unusual situations. Workers must be given at least one day off every seven days. 

Remuneration and Benefits 

Remuneration paid to workers must comply with all applicable laws on remuneration, including those concerning minimum wage, overtime and legally required benefits. Overtime must be compensated at a higher hourly rate than the usual rate, in accordance with applicable local laws. Remuneration must not be deducted as a disciplinary measure. Workers must be given a comprehensible pay slip for each pay period. This must be provided in a timely manner and contain sufficient information for the worker to confirm that they have been paid correctly for the work they performed. Transputec shall comply with the limitations in local laws regarding the use of temporary, dispatched or externally contracted workers. 

Humane Treatment 

Workers shall not be subjected to sexual harassment, sexual abuse, physical punishment, emotional or physical suppression, verbal abuse or other mistreatment. Workers must not be subjected to any treatment that is inhumane or could be considered as such. Disciplinary measures and procedures to handle such treatment must be defined and communicated to workers. 

Elimination of Discrimination 

Transputec must take all possible measures to ensure that its workplaces are free of harassment and illegal discrimination. Transputec must not discriminate based on race, skin colour, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/gender expression, ethnicity/nationality, disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, union membership, presence or absence or military experience, genetic information or marital history in the application of any employment conditions including remuneration, promotions, bonuses or training. Provisions shall be made within a reasonable scope for workers to practice their religions. Requests from workers for religious accommodations shall be handled by the General Affairs and Labour Division, who shall consider how to handle the request and then provide the necessary accommodations. Workers and prospective workers must not be subjected to medical or physical examinations that may be used for discriminatory purposes. 

Freedom of Association 

Transputec shall respect the right of all workers to form or join a union for the purposes of collective bargaining and peacefully assembling, along with the right of any worker to abstain from such activities, based on local laws. Workers and/or a representative shall be able to directly communicate their opinions and concerns about working conditions and management practices to management without fear of discrimination, reprisal, threats or harassment. 

We shall observe laws and regulations related to health and safety, and fire control, and undertake health and safety measures more actively and continuously including through the implementation of risk assessment and emergency preparedness to provide work environments that are accident and disaster-free, where employees can work in safety and free from anxiety. 

We shall perform improvement activities more actively and continuously to contribute to global environmental protection by working comprehensively on environmental measures such as environmental preservation, energy conservation, climate change prevention, resource conservation, global environmental product development and biodiversity conservation. At the same time, we shall communicate those efforts widely to society. 

  • We shall compete fairly, transparently, and freely, and carry out fair trade. 
  • We shall arrange and manage a clear import and export management system by related laws and regulations in England and overseas. 
  • When procuring materials, we shall conform to laws and regulations, do business faithfully, justly and fairly without abusing any dominant bargaining position, and work to build up partnerships based on mutual trust. 
  • We shall request business partners to understand and cooperate with our CSR activities. 
  • We shall create, protect and utilise intellectual property rights, respect the intellectual property rights of others, and prevent any violation of their rights. 
  • We shall neither offer nor receive inappropriate profits in relationships with stakeholders.
  • We shall maintain sound and normal relationships with political organisations and the authorities, and shall never offer bribes or illegal political contributions.
  • We shall steadfastly maintain an attitude of confrontation with antisocial forces and reject any unjust claim.
  • We shall carry out activities to prevent wrongdoing and also arrange systems to detect and respond to it immediately. 

We shall not purchase any materials or products including conflict minerals or metals derived from them that create a source of funds for armed groups causing Human Rights Initiatives violations. 

We shall always foster communication with society through appropriate information disclosure and active PR and IR activities; and aim at being a fair, highly transparent and open business enterprise. 

  • We shall strive to disclose information to stakeholders including stockholders and investors quickly, appropriately and fairly; and promote understanding of our management and business activities. 
  • We shall foster fair stock transactions and strive to prevent insider trading such as the buying and selling of stocks based on undisclosed internal information. 

We shall be aware that personal information and confidential information are important and strive to prevent information leakages while maintaining and promoting information security. 

  • We shall be aware that personal information is important information that constitutes privacy and strive to protect it thoroughly.
  • We shall properly manage and protect confidential information received from customers or third parties, and confidential information of companies obtained in the conduct of business and prevent any leakage or misuse.
  • We will maintain high levels of accreditation, such as ISO 27001 and other certifications.
ISO 9001 & ISO/IEC 27001 Certification

We shall formulate a BCP and aim for quick recovery and operation even if concerns over supply arise due to disaster, etc. These plans are created, stored and executed via the Crises Control platform.

Crises Control logo

Based on the awareness that a business enterprise is a member of society, we shall do our duty at all times as a corporate citizen that supports the development of local communities and society, and carry out various social contribution activities, not just business. 

  • We shall actively interact with local people and support sports to contribute to the development of local communities. 
  • We shall strive to do our duty as a member of society through various activities that contribute to society such as education, research, culture, the arts, international exchange and cooperation, and environmental protection activities. 
  • We will actively support charities that contribute to the development of underprivileged people and communities.

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