IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service


Our IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service Provides Seamless IT Operations

IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service
We provide seamless IT operations with our Infrastructure as a Service. Our solution manages server and network infrastructure, ensuring optimal performance, security, and efficiency.

We are experienced in setting up, configuring, and managing IT systems in on-premise, co-located, and public cloud environments. Our proactive monitoring, patch management, and real-time performance analysis reduce downtime and boost productivity. We concentrate on your core business and also professionally manage all your IT infrastructure needs.

Transputec won our RFP and we’ve been so impressed with the Global managed IT services they now provide us 24×7. We even achieved massive savings in our AWS spend!
Juhel Ahmed
IT Manager, IQPC
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Are you looking for an expert Infrastructure as a Service Provider?

Elevate Your Business Efficiency with Our Infrastructure as a Service

Comprehensive Infrastructure Management

Our Infrastructure as a Service offers a comprehensive server and network infrastructure management solution. We focus on performance optimisation, patching, and monitoring, allowing businesses to concentrate on core activities while ensuring IT stability, security, and efficiency. This service includes expert management of server infrastructure, covering provisioning, configuration, and ongoing maintenance across on-premise, co-located data centres, and public clouds like Azure and AWS.

Proactive Monitoring and Optimisation

Our infrastructure management involves proactive monitoring for performance, availability, and security, with a commitment to proper configuration, optimisation, and scalability. We handle critical patch management diligently, applying necessary patches, updates, and security fixes to protect systems against vulnerabilities. Robust monitoring and alerting capabilities continuously collect real-time data on server enabling prompt investigation and action in case of anomalies. 


Why Use Our Iaas - Infrastructure Management Services

Focus on Core Business

By entrusting your server and network Infrastructure as a Service to Transputec, you can concentrate on your core business activities. Our experienced team handles all infrastructure-related tasks, freeing up your time and resources to focus on strategic initiatives and value-adding activities.

Expert Management

With our Infrastructure as a Service, you benefit from the expertise of our skilled professionals who possess in-depth knowledge of server and network infrastructure management. We follow industry best practices, ensuring that your infrastructure operates optimally, securely, and in alignment with your business.

Enhanced Performance

Our performance optimisation techniques and proactive monitoring help maximise the performance of your server and network infrastructure. By fine-tuning configurations, optimising resource allocation, and addressing bottlenecks, we ensure that your infrastructure delivers optimal speed, responsiveness, and reliability.

Risk Mitigation

Patch management is a critical aspect of our IaaS. We handle the timely application of patches and updates to keep your infrastructure secure and protected against vulnerabilities. By proactively addressing potential risks, we reduce the likelihood of security breaches and minimise the impact of potential threats.

Proactive Resolution

Our robust monitoring and alerting capabilities enable us to proactively identify and resolve issues before they impact your business operations. Through real-time monitoring and prompt response, we minimise downtime, ensuring that your infrastructure remains available and performing optimally.

Scalability & Flexibility

With our IaaS, your infrastructure can easily scale to accommodate your evolving business needs. Whether you experience seasonal spikes in demand or rapid growth, we provide the flexibility to adjust your resources accordingly, ensuring that your infrastructure can support your business growth and agility.

Choose Transputec’s Infrastructure as a Service to leverage expert management, performance optimisation, patch management, proactive monitoring, and seamless scalability for your server and network infrastructure. With our comprehensive IaaS solution, we ensure the stability, security, and efficiency of your infrastructure, allowing you to focus on driving your business forward.

Prepare Infrastructure as a Service with Transputec

This blog provides How IaaS can benefit your business and why choose Transputec as an IaaS partner.

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Infrastructure as a Service FAQ's

Transputec’s Infrastructure as a Service is an innovative solution that provides businesses with outsourced management for server and network infrastructure. It is designed to streamline IT operations, allowing businesses to focus on their core competencies while ensuring robust, secure, and reliable IT infrastructure.

Transputec’s IaaS ensures the reliability and security of the IT infrastructure. With state-of-the-art data centers, 24/7 monitoring by our Network Operation Centre and rigorous security measures, you can rest assured that their critical systems and data are always available.

Transputec’s Infrastructure as a Service can help improve your business operations by taking on the complexity of managing servers and network infrastructure. This allows your internal IT team to focus on strategic initiatives rather than day-to-day infrastructure management tasks.

We can reduce the complexities and costs associated with maintaining in-house infrastructure because we have developed our own monitoring systems and have people working in real-time to proactively avert an imminent problem.

Our Infrastructure as a Service offering provides a wide range of server and network infrastructure management services. This includes server provisioning, 24/7 monitoring, regular maintenance, troubleshooting, security updates, and rapid issue resolution. We have dedicated people who understand how to optimise performance, maximise uptime, and enhancing the security of your IT infrastructure. Our services encompass server provisioning, configuration, patching, cyber security scanning, and ongoing maintenance tasks.

There are several compelling reasons to consider outsourcing your server and network infrastructure management to Transputec.  

Here are a few key benefits:

  1. Expertise: With over 35 years of experience, Transputec brings extensive knowledge and best practices to ensure reliable infrastructure management.
  2. Cost Savings: By leveraging Transputec’s infrastructure and expertise, you can save costs on hardware, software, and dedicated IT personnel.
  3. Focus on Core Competencies: Outsourcing frees up internal resources, allowing you to focus on strategic initiatives and delivering value to your customers.
  4. Enhanced Security: Transputec implements robust security measures, conducts regular updates, and monitors systems to protect against threats.
  5. Scalability: Transputec’s infrastructure can easily scale to accommodate your business growth or changing needs.
  6. Proactive Monitoring: Their 24/7 monitoring ensures potential issues are detected and addressed promptly, minimising downtime.
  7. Reliable Support: Transputec offers dependable support with clear service level agreements (SLAs), ensuring timely assistance.

By outsourcing to Transputec, you gain expertise, cost savings, enhanced security, scalability, and reliable support for your infrastructure management needs.

It’s important to note that the exact impact on your IT staff will depend on your specific arrangement with Transputec and the scope of services provided. Collaborating with Transputec can help optimise your IT resources, allowing your IT staff to focus on higher-value tasks and contribute to your organisation’s strategic goals.

Here are a few scenarios to consider:

  1. Offloading routine tasks: Transputec’s IaaS allows you to offload routine infrastructure management tasks to their team.
  2. Collaboration and support: Your IT staff can collaborate with Transputec’s team, working together to ensure seamless integration and management of your infrastructure. They can provide insights, requirements, and expertise to Transputec, enabling a collaborative approach to infrastructure management.
  3. Shifting roles and responsibilities: With Transputec handling the day-to-day management of infrastructure, your IT staff’s roles and responsibilities may evolve.
  4. Increased efficiency and capacity: By partnering with Transputec, your IT staff can benefit from increased efficiency and capacity.

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