Four Factors For Successful Digital Transformation

Four Factors For Successful Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has become one of the must-haves for organisations across all sectors. And for good reason. Deloitte’s Digital Transformation Survey 2020 found that companies who have completed a successful digital transformation have achieved net revenue growth of 45%, and growth in their net profit margins of 43%. 

Just some of the advantages from digital transformation and using new digital tools include optimising workflows, faster time to market on updates and new products, better returns on investment, improved collaboration between employees and external partners, and more. However digital transformations are notoriously difficult to get right. 

Ahead of the Covid-19 pandemic, the figures varied from 4% to 26% success rates depending on the industry, but Covid-19 took the choice away from many organisations, and the return to office and hybrid working patterns continue to introduce challenges or organisations who are not, or are only partly, digital. 

However, a digital transformation is one of the biggest undertakings an organisation can undertake. It will involve multiple teams to action, and will ultimately change the way the entire organisation operates. We’ve gathered some of the things to consider for a successful digital transformation.

1. Engage and empower your employees

Empowering employees is one of the most important factors behind a successful digital transformation. Without engaged and eager employees who embrace the opportunities offered by the digital transformation and who will use the new tools and technologies in place, the digital transformation will fail.

Digital transformation will automatically change the way the organisation works. Employees are subject matter experts in their areas, so they likely know what could be done better, or where they are using a workaround in order to do their jobs. As a result, they will have useful insights into new processes, and can also support the transformation team to make decisions regarding the right new tools to put in place.

The success of the digital transformation will also require these same employees to adopt new ways of working. Some employees may need to learn new skills, and they may need to learn to use systems that they don’t understand. Ensure that you bring them along with you every step of the way. 

2. Upgrade your IT infrastructure

One of the most obvious starting points for a digital transformation effort is to upgrade the IT infrastructure. The digital transformation will introduce a bewildering array of new tools and systems to the network, and successful digital transformation requires up to date IT and communications platforms in order to enable employees to use the new tools and systems introduced to improve operations and workflows.

However, that may be easier said than done. Upgrading an entire organisation’s IT infrastructure can be an expensive and time consuming project. There are any number of hardware and software options available, and deciding which ones are the right ones for your organisation is a skilled process.

3. Protect the digital transformation

By nature, digital transformation involves doing more online, and each new connection to the internet introduces security risks. Successful digital transformation demands effective cybersecurity protections that defend against cyber attacks and data breaches. 

As a result, cybersecurity is often a high priority for organisations undergoing a digital transformation. This prioritisation increases as organisations become more digitally mature. The Deloitte Digital Transformation Survey found that cybersecurity investment was a high priority for 67% of very digitally mature companies, compared to 46% for less digitally mature organisations.

Protecting digital assets requires a two-pronged approach, including both ensuring that IT and security teams have the skills in place to protect the new, expanded network, and ensuring that employees are aware of the expanded risks and understand their roles in keeping the organisation secure.

4. Plan for a successful digital transformation

A successful digital transformation is a very big undertaking. There are many projects and dependencies between the different elements of the digital transformation, including the three other factors listed above. Digital transformation will challenge the skills of IT teams, security teams, project managers, and employees alike.

A project plan that identifies the different stages of the digital transformation helps you set out clear vision and goals for the project, stay organised, and support digital transformation leaders and employees alike adapt to changes as they take place.

In addition, your existing employees simply may not have the skills to carry out a digital transformation programme. A project plan will help you identify the skills you need, but can also help you understand whether you need outside help. Digital transformation consultants will offer the experience to help your digital transformation succeed.

Whatever stage you are at with your digital transformation, Transputec can help. We offer end-to-end IT services, supporting organisations from planning through to implementation, maintenance, and upgrades.

Contact us for a no-obligation discussion about how we can help your digital transformation succeed.


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