Our Women in Tech: Break the Bias this International Women’s Day 2022

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day 2022 is a great opportunity for me to reflect on the women in my team, and to take the time to celebrate their journey to break the bias and take up their roles across Transputec. International Women’s Day 2022 (IWD) celebrates the successes of women while recognising the very real struggles and biases they have encountered along the way. It’s about educating people of all ages, genders, races, and religions to fight for a gender-equal world. It’s an opportunity to promote this awareness and develop initiatives to foster an inclusive workplace of diversity, equal opportunity and work life balance. 

This year’s theme #BreaktheBias is particularly focused on recognising the stereotypes and challenges that women encounter when working in the male-dominated world of technology.

International Women’s Day 2022 aims to raise awareness of these biases and challenge everyone from individuals to leaders to rethink how women are welcomed into the world of technology.

We look forward to a brighter future where women are equally represented in technology. The stories and testimonials put forward aim to show tomorrow’s women, what they can achieve, and how together we will collectively #BreaktheBias.

Supporting Women in Tech: Our (male) Director’s Story

Being responsible for the success of a dynamic and fast-moving IT infrastructure solutions division I strive to #breakthebias in my workplace. I acknowledge that no one can change the way other people behave but I can consciously change the way I individually behave and practise this through leading by example. This means fostering a more open mindset that welcomes multiple perspectives, accepting ideas equally from men and women, valuing each voice regardless of gender, age or ethnicity and seeking to educate and overcome any bias making my workplace one that embraces and benefits everyone. Women deserve our support and recognition and owe them the same rights and privileges as men.

I am proud to celebrate that as my team has grown it has also changed composition, and is now 60% female. Furthermore, in 2020 Transputec were honoured at the CRN Women in Channel Awards for our digital literacy programme and in 2021 we were finalists at the CRN Women in Chanel Awards for transformational programmes to help pave the way for more women in IT.

This International Women’s Day 2022, I continue to celebrate our powerful role models who break stereotypes and inspire me and my colleagues each day. Read below as some of the women across Transputec share some of their successes as women in the technology sector.

Mark Nightingale – Chief Operating officer

Read some of Our Women’s Journey’s

Roann Etan – Head of people Team


I love being a woman as Motherhood is my best life achievement by far. To have the privilege to give the world beautiful human beings, to nurture and continuously transform them are the best gifts I could have asked for – it is my life’s purpose. But the societal expectations unfortunately do not go away. One must think like a man, act like a lady, look like a young girl and work like a horse. Do not underestimate the immense pressure women are going through when we are simply trying to matter in this world and do good along the way. I wish the future of women’s generation strength, strength to face challenges with confidence, composure and wisdom. The future is literally in all our hands and to building a diverse, equal and brighter, future for generations would be a dream come true. I believe that as women, we truly are the real architects of society and during my lifetime will do as much good as possible.

Pam Khosla – Business Development Officer


Living in the 21st century where everything is possible, I love being the woman that I am and gladly share my journey from girl to woman. Growing up in the 1970’s I recall my mother saying to me don’t worry about pursuing a career, leave it to the men, settle for a secretarial role as your husband will be the provider. I didn’t know what the right path was, whether to follow my dreams of going to university or listen to my mum. I did the former and graduated in Accounting and then went on to set up my own business for beyond15 years and now work in the Technology sector. At each stage of my career I was happy and driven and I realised that came down to me staying true to myself. It was an important lesson that I learned – being authentic and real and something I am proud of.  I am grateful for those women and men and opportunities who helped shape me and I would encourage all young girls and ladies to stay true yourselves as those real intentions create a world and life that excites you!

Sharon Campbell – PMO Manager


As a single mother, it was important to be able to change my working practices around my family life. Working for a company where I felt comfortable to change the working hours to suit me was important and I was lucky to have this.  But also, I recognised that in order to be able to even ask this, I need to have proven ability and capabilities to deliver within those new working hours. Transputec recognised my capabilities and allowed me that work-life balance. That having said it is sometimes left to us women to pick up the tasks that fall through the cracks by the men as they don’t naturally fall within a particular responsibility. This is something that I have been willing to do throughout my career and it helps to build bridges. It would be great for the future women to have more confidence, to try things and not be daunted by the prospect of failure.  

Shivanjali Sharma – Marketing Intern


I recently started my career in tech, and so far, my journey has been nothing but incredible. The tech space has been male-dominated for a long time. This is something I was aware of before joining the industry. I’ve heard the same echoed by other women who have had long and arduous journeys within the sector, facing discrimination and hardships because of this. I am proud and privileged to say that I have had a positive experience and safe environment with Transputec. It is because of women who overcame challenges and paved the way for other women to excel that I have been able to pursue this career and build my passion. I see myself and other younger women as examples of things changing for the better. Women in Transputec have welcomed me into this industry, helping me every step of the way, showing support and strength, encouraging me to challenge myself and overcome social barriers. All the contributions and sacrifices do bring change. We still have a long way to go, but I believe slowly but surely we will get there, and I hope I can set a positive example and support other women to bring change and rise together.  


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