What Do Your Customers Really Think? Understanding the Power of NPS

Customer NPS

Introduction to NPS 

What is NPS? 

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is not just a business metric; it’s a measure of how your customers feel about you. NPS is a number that ranges from -100 to 100, representing the willingness of customers to recommend your company’s products or services to others. It’s more than a figure; it’s an insight into your customer’s loyalty, satisfaction, and overall sentiment. Customer NPS is arguably one of the most important statistics businesses need to focus on.

Why Customer NPS Matters

Understanding the importance of NPS is akin to knowing the pulse of your business. It’s not just about the products or services you offer but how your customers perceive them. NPS is about building trust and loyalty. It’s about recognising what’s working well and identifying areas where you can improve. In a nutshell, NPS can be your guiding star in navigating the competitive business landscape. According to the London School of Economics, a 7% increase in NPS correlates with a 1% increase in revenue overall.

How to Measure Customer NPS

Tools and Techniques

Measuring Customer NPS is a process that requires precision and strategy. Utilising tools like online survey platforms, personalised emails, and even face-to-face interviews can provide valuable insights. It’s about asking the right questions at the right time and in the right way. Leveraging modern technology to gather this data can offer a comprehensive view of your customers’ perspectives.

Survey Questions

The foundational question to measure Customer NPS is: “On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?” However, supplementary questions are vital to delve into the why behind the score. It’s about digging deeper and understanding the feelings, expectations, and experiences that led to that score.

Analysing NPS Results

Understanding Scores

Understanding the Customer NPS scores involves categorising them into three groups:

Promoters (9-10): These are your loyal enthusiasts who will keep buying and referring others.

Passives (7-8): Satisfied but unenthusiastic customers who might be swayed by the competition.

Detractors (0-6): Unhappy customers that are at risk of damaging your brand through negative word-of-mouth.

Making Improvements

Analysing these scores isn’t the end of the journey. It’s the beginning of an improvement process. It’s about understanding what delights your promoters and implementing it across the board. Identifying the concerns of detractors and addressing them systematically can turn criticism into constructive growth.

The Impact of NPS on Business Success

The power of Customer NPS lies in its ability to give actionable insights. By analysing the data, you can create strategies for customer loyalty, retention, and satisfaction. It’s about nurturing relationships, building trust, and fostering an environment where customers feel heard and valued. From tailored marketing strategies to personalised customer experiences, Customer NPS helps you tune into your customer’s voice and respond in ways that resonate with them.

NPS as a Comprehensive Business Strategy

NPS as a Leading Indicator of Growth

NPS is not a mere reactive metric. It’s proactive, serving as a touchstone for engaging your workforce in your customer experience and guiding future strategies. A higher NPS indicates happy customers, which in turn can lead to increased referrals, growth, and success.

NPS for Workforce Engagement

Your employees are vital in shaping the customer experience. Engaging your workforce around the NPS helps build a culture focused on customer satisfaction. It’s a tool for aligning teams towards a common goal – happy customers. Over 78% of customers say they read and trust online reviews as much as they trust word-of-mouth recommendations from friends or family. 

Complementing NPS with Other Metrics

NPS is not a standalone tool. It can and should be complemented with other metrics and insights from various customer touchpoints. Combining NPS with other data provides a more comprehensive, actionable view of customer experience performance, allowing for nuanced and informed decision-making.


Understanding your customers is the first step towards building a successful business, and NPS is a powerful tool in that journey. Transputec, with its expertise and innovative approach, can assist you in setting up, measuring, and utilising NPS to shape success. Our tailor-made solutions can guide you to create an effective customer-centric strategy that resonates with your unique business needs.
Want to start building customer loyalty and driving growth with NPS? Contact Transputec today and set sail on your journey towards unrivalled success.


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