Higgins Group partner with Transputec to upgrade to Rukus Wireless LAN

Higgins Group partner with Transputec to upgrade to Rukus Wireless LAN


Higgins Group was aware that its state-of-the-art Headquarters was being undermined by an outdated internet network – first deployed in 2005. The incumbent (CISCO) wireless system needed replacing with a more nimble, effective and modern solution that provided a superior signal strength throughout the whole building to deliver the functionality that employees and visitors expected. To resolve this issue, Higgins Group commissioned Transputec to provide a recommendation for a more compelling and effective solution.

The Client

Higgins Group is one of the UK’s most successful private companies, (with a turnover of around £230m) with its operations split primarily between the New Homes and Construction Industry sectors. Higgins Group’s HQ is located at Debden in Essex and is housed in a cutting edge contemporary building that it constructed itself. The Company operates largely in the South of England with a total of some 400 employees spread throughout the organisation.

Business Challenge

Higgins Group’s incumbent CISCO wireless IT system had been installed in 2005 but suffered from low signal strength throughout many parts of the building. Growing discontent amongst employees and visitors unable to access the services they required was coupled with high and increasing maintenance charges. The client wanted external advice on the most suitable and cost effective replacement system.

Choosing Transputec

Higgins Group Services Director, Martyn Waller, had prior experience of working with Transputec and asked them for an assessment of Higgins Group’s wireless network needs, along with a recommendation for a potential replacement system. Transputec’s experience of helping to choose, install and set up more nimble, cost effective systems was exactly what Higgins Group was looking for.

Process & Results

The decision to commission Transputec took place in the summer of 2015. The first step that Transputec undertook was a thorough assessment both of the signal strength throughout the HQ estate and the needs of the current and future users of the wireless local area network (LAN).

Having considered the needs of the client and the nature of the presenting issues, Transputec then conducted a review of the systems available on the market and recommended a Rukus wireless LAN system as the most effective solution for Higgins.

Once the client had accepted the recommendation and authorised the procurement, Transputec’s client team oversaw the installation of the Rukus wireless LAN, which was actually implemented in-house by the Group’s own IT team. The installation was straightforward, incurring no disruption for users through a structured live testing process with selected employees before going fully live throughout the HQ estate.

The result was a new wireless LAN that provided excellent signal strength throughout the Higgins HQ estate and fully supported the functionality required of it by employees and visitors alike. The new system requires only low cost regular maintenance, rather than the expensive ad-hoc troubleshooting demanded by the old system.

Recommending Transputec

Higgins Group’s previous high opinion of Transputec has been borne out by the results of its work on their new telephone system and they plan to continue to work with Transputec on further projects going forward, with no hesitation in recommending Transputec to others.

The Future

At some time in the future, Higgins is looking to deploy the Rukus system outside of the HQ estate, in-situ at its numerous constructions sites. This will allow for important tasks such as on-site snagging, health and safety and general communications issues to be undertaken more effectively.


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