Nomination in Computing Security Excellence Awards 2016

Nomination in Computing Security Excellence Awards 2016

I am delighted to announce that Transputec and ThreatSpike have been nominated in two categories in the Computing Magazine Security Excellence Awards 2016.

The first nomination is in the Network Security Award category. Cyber criminals are using ever more sophisticated methods to attack corporate networks. In this game of cat and mouse between security firms and hackers, only the most cutting edge of security products can offer the protection demanded by today’s firms.

The second nomination is in the Vulnerability Management Award category. Vulnerability management is defined as the cyclical practice of identifying, classifying, remediating, and mitigating vulnerabilities. Once mitigated, organisations can be more confident of not being the ‘low-hanging fruit’ which cyber criminals can successfully attack with little effort.

ThreatSpike is a new generation of threat analysis software that plugs into the core network and starts analysing traffic in real time, collecting and using complex algorithms and big data technology to analyse, assimilate and provide purposeful threat information that even the CEO can understand. It takes the highly complex task of analysing the data that is being transmitted on your network and delivering actionable intelligence to your teams in a simple and understandable format.

ThreatSpike’s unique approach to threat detection and analysis has a number of advantages over other security solutions:

  • Monitoring network traffic directly as the basis for all analysis completely eliminates the need to rely on data feeds from other technologies.
  • Event correlation automates the manual investigation performed by security analysts thus facilitating a reduction in headcount and operational expenditure.
  • Regular update to detection rules eliminates operational expenditure associated with rule development.
  • Storing network traffic allows for a retrospective analysis of security threats and provides extensive forensic capabilities.
  • Behaviour based analysis can be implemented without any learning period.
  • Simple plug-and-play deployment allows for accelerated delivery of a strategic monitoring and advanced threat detection capability.
  • Vulnerabilities can be proactively detected and mitigated.

The ThreatSpike solution has only been on the market for a few years now, evolving into a cutting edge product and we are already seeing very encouraging adoption of the product across a range of industry sectors. The solution is now fully installed in a growing number of enterprises in industry sectors including finance, logistics, media and retail.

The awards presentation takes place on 24 November in London. I will keep you updated on how we do on the night.

Sonny Sehgal

Head of Cyber Security


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